
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Math Centers

Dollar Tree has some really cute luau stuff right now! I bought these things several weeks ago but have been waiting for my kids interests to create a center idea based on their needs.

Tikki Ten Frames

Each student has a "ten frame" and rolls one die. They place the corresponding number of rocks in the tikki ten frame and then count to find out what they need to reach ten. Then they say it in a number sentence.
Rocks & dice are stored in the coconut.  
Daring Dice 
I used drink stirrers that are swords- the kids love these, we use them during guided reading for pointers also. Each player starts with 10 swords. They roll one die & put that number of swords into their cup (I glued floral foam inside the cups). The first person to put all swords in the cup wins & gets to start the next game.  

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