
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Educator Portfolio

This was a lot of fun to make & really helps during interviews! :) Plus it helps evaluate things going on in the classroom and helps you to self check to make sure you are doing everything you intend to! :)

Cover page--- I simply slid this into the front sleeve of a binder. Don't be afraid to let your personality shine! I love zebra print, no REALLY! :) This is one more way to let your personality & passion shine in an interview!!! Make it fun!!! Simple captions help you remember things you want to share with potential employers plus help you keep on track, let's face it, interviews are INTENSE! Plus, you always leave wishing you had remembered to talk about something else!

Use the next few pages to highlight things you are most proud of or things your students really love about your classroom.

If you have something original in your room that you want to share, don't be afraid to brag! This is your time to do that! If you don't, once you walk out that door, your opportunity is long gone!

My portfolio highlights each subject & various parts of the school day. Be sure if you do centers to show how they are done & multiple examples!

Show the unique multiple representations of standards & hands-on opportunities your classroom!

Make sure you have examples of how your centers address each type of learner! (audio, visual, kinesthetic, etc...)

Employers want organized teachers! Don't be afraid to show how you organize your centers!

Include pictures of you with the kids!

Make sure you show how technology is used in the classroom!

Don't forget to show group work & collaboration!

Show opportunities for choice, self-check, and varied grouping!

How do you reach lower level learners? RTI strategies???

How do you check for comprehension?

Don't leave out Guided Reading!!! What do you do if students know it, or if they don't???? How do you make sure???

Don't forget to include how you share objectives with you students, classroom management tools you use, how expectations are communicated, discipline, recognition, and reinforcement.

Always address parent involvement!

Good luck on your job hunt! Also, as I said, a portfolio is an excellent tool for assessing yourself! If you find yourself looking at pictures of blah, unexciting things, you need to make some changes! Make sure the kids have smiles on their faces & are engaged!!!!